Monday, January 14, 2013

An Encouraging Word

The year was 1993 and we had just moved into our new home as the Pastor of First Baptist Church, Indianola, MS. Within a week of moving, my wife informed me that she had seen a snake in the back yard. I went out to investigate but it slithered into a large woodpile and disappeared. Being the man of the house, I did not want her to know that I was scared to death of snakes. So I said to her, “Honey, it is a harmless little reptile. But I will be sure to kill it if I see it again.” She was going to Walmart that day so I asked her to buy me a hoe. If she would buy me a hoe, I would have it ready when the snake came out of the wood pile. She was so proud that her man was going to kill the snake for her.

About a week went by and one Saturday afternoon we were in the backyard when we saw the snake. Lisa screamed, “Kill it, kill it!” I knew the time had come. I would kill the snake and be my wife’s hero. I would make her proud. So I kept my eyes on the snake and said to my wife, “Did you buy me a hoe?” “Yes” she said, “it’s in the storage room.” And I said, “Get it for me. I’ll keep my eyes on the snake while you get the hoe.” And when Lisa put the hoe in my hand, it felt much lighter than I expected. I had wanted her to buy me a six foot hoe and instead she bought me a six inch hoe! Now here I am about to do battle with a five foot snake with a six inch hoe!  My confidence was draining quickly. The snake slithered away and we never saw him again.

As I look back on that incident, I came to the conclusion that many of us are trying to fight a five foot snake with a six inch hoe. When Adam was in the garden, he fell victim to the serpent. Every day in our lives, the serpent is after us, and many times he tricks us and deceives us. We must learn how to fight the serpent in our lives. God gives us many tools to help us fight the serpent. He gives us the Bible, prayer, church, friends, faith, and common sense. But most of us don’t call upon God for help. We use our own intellect and strength to fight the serpent and most of the time we lose. It’s like fighting a five foot snake with a six inch hoe.

As we look into our scripture today, I want you to examine your battles with the serpent. Think about the times when you have resisted the serpent and the times when he has enticed you into sin. I encourage you not to fight the serpent on your own power or you will surely lose the battle. But when you rely on God and trust in Him, you can be better prepared to stand your ground when the serpent comes your way.

Be encouraged,

Pastor Rob

An Encouraging Word

I was visiting with a couple recently who is struggling in their marriage. It was obvious that they loved each other yet both of them were frustrated and unhappy. As we continued to talk about their situation, it became obvious to me that the issue was money. One was a saver and the other was a spender. I asked a few pointed questions and soon discovered that this married couple had over $10,000 in credit card debt in addition to car loans, student loans, and a mortgage that is more than the value of their  home.

On the outside, they look like a successful family. They have a nice house, two new cars, and three kids.  But the stress of unpaid bills was taking its’ toll on their marriage. They were buying things they did not need with  money they did not have to impress people they did not like! Sound familiar? It should. The family above could be many in our church today.  

 Our culture measures success by the size of your house and the make and model of your car. With credit so easily available, we no longer have to wait until we can afford it, we can buy it now and pay for it later. And while the standard of living in America has surged in the last 50 years, the moral and spiritual standard has plummeted. We have in essence exchanged spiritual and moral values for material possessions and worldly success. The result is described best by Jesus in Matthew 16:26 when He says, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?”

This Scripture, spoken over 2,000 years ago, is just as applicable today. Men are neglecting their families chasing money and attempting the climb the ladder of success. Women are forced to (or choosing to) get a career in order that they can maintain the standard of living that they have become accustom. So the cycle continues. The standard of living continues to increase, while spiritual and family values decrease.

Some call it the rat race of life. It is a cycle that once begun, is hard to stop. It is a never ending cycle of working  and buying and working and buying some more. It reminds me of a song by Simon and Garfunkel many years ago. One line of lyrics say, “Like a rat in a maze, the path before me lies. And the pattern never alters, until the rat dies.”    As I shared this song with a friend he said, “The problem with the rat race is that even the winner is still a rat!”

In Ecclesiastes 5:10, the Bible says, “He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income.”  As we enter a new year, I want to encourage you to examine your life and see where you are in the rat race. As you look back on the past 10-20 years, how has your standared of living increased? How has your spiritual life increased? Could it be that you need to make some changes? Could it be that your priorities need to be adjusted? I encourage you today to make God and family your priority over money and possessions. When it comes to the rat race, the many people say that the one who dies with the most toys wins! Pastor Ralph Hall told me last week he heard it a different way. He said that the one who dies with the most toys is still dead!


Be encouraged,

Pastor Rob  

Monday, July 9, 2012

An Encouraging Word

            Are you crazy?  That is what they said about the Apostle Paul.  He was once a fine upstanding citizen and a leader among the Jews.  But now he has been arrested because of his faith in Jesus Christ.  He was asked to appear before King Agrippa and Governor Festus to give his defense.  Standing before the King and the Governor of Judea, Paul told them how he was well educated, successful, and a prominent Jew.  And one day as he was on the road to Damascus, He had a personal encounter with Jesus Christ.  And since that day he has been proclaiming the message that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and the way to salvation.  He told King Agrippa and Festus that they should repent of their sins and turn to Christ and they can be saved.  When Festus heard Paul say this he said: “Paul, you are insane.  Too much study has made you crazy!”
            Are you crazy?  That is what they said about Eric Liddell when he refused to run in his Olympic race because it was held on a Sunday.  He was the hero of Scotland.  He had qualified for the Olympics and was a favorite to win his event.  But when the race schedule was posted, his race was scheduled for Sunday morning.  Being a devout Christian, Liddell had a conviction that he should not compete on a Sunday.  His countrymen called him crazy.  He was willing to give up a gold medal and a place in history to follow his spiritual convictions.  When his teammates and the royalty of England could not persuade him to run, they said: “Eric, you are crazy!  You are giving up everything because of your God!”
            Are you crazy?  That is what my supervisor said to me the day I resigned from my job as an accountant.  I had finished my degree in Accounting and had worked at this CPA firm for two years.  Although I was doing well in the eyes of others, I was miserable inside my heart.  I knew deep down God wanted me to be a Pastor, not an accountant.  I knew what I needed to do.  I needed to quit my job, enroll in seminary, and begin the five year process of preparing to be a Pastor.  When I shared my plans with my supervisor he said: “Rob, are you crazy?  Do you realize what you are giving up?  What you are doing doesn’t make any sense.”
            Are you crazy?  Has anyone ever said that to you?  If they haven’t, maybe they should.  The Bible says that if you live a life of faith, the world will call you crazy.  The Bible says that if you live for Christ, the world will not understand.  The Bible says that if you live your life committed to Jesus Christ, the world will call you a fanatic who doesn’t live in the real world.
            May I encourage you today to be “crazy for Jesus?”  Don’t settle for being normal.  Live your life with passion, conviction, and zeal.  If the world calls you crazy, you can know you are in good company.  May I encourage you today to know what you believe, why you believe, and so live your life in such a way that others will call you “crazy for Jesus!”

Be encouraged,

Pastor Rob

Monday, June 18, 2012

An Encouraging Word

“She loves me; she loves me not.”   I was a ten year old when I was smitten with Lynda Catlett.  I wasn’t sure if she had the same feelings for me.  I picked up an apple and started twisting the stem and saying, “She loves me; she loves me not.”  When the stem broke on “she loves me” I was certain it was true love.  I asked her to be my girlfriend and we were eternally united in true love for about three weeks and then I was back to “she loves me not.”

When I decided to become a Pastor, a friend warned me that being a Pastor is a perilous profession.  Perilous not because our lives are in danger like the Biblical prophets of old.  No, we aren’t nearly that brave.  Nor is it perilous because we are destined to poverty.  I may not be rich, but I’m doing just fine financially.  Being a Pastor is perilous because deep down I want to be liked by everyone all the time.  And as hard as I try, I’ve learned that this is a perilous goal for a Pastor.

Pastors are people.  We have families, struggles, feelings, and needs just like everyone else.  We have good days and bad days.  On the good days we are on top of the world.  On the bad days, we are on our knees.  Sometimes I want to get an apple, twist the stem and say “they love me; they love me not.”

                        The worship went well; they love me.
                                    The air conditioner broke; they love me not.
                        The sermon was good; they love me.
                                    The music was too loud; they love me not.
                        I visited the hospital; they love me.
                                    I didn’t speak to someone in the hall; they love me not.
                        The offering was up; they love me.
                                    The service went too long; they love me not.
                        Attendance is up; they love me.
                                    I missed a church social; they love me not.
                        I lay out the vision; they love me.
                                    I tell them I need their help; they love me not.
                        I preach a short sermon; they love me.
                                    Too short a visit at the hospital; they love me not.

So that’s my story….what about yours?  Have you ever felt that way?  Have you ever experienced similar emotions in your life?  In your relationships?  In your family?  In your friendships?  At your workplace?  “They love me; they love me not.”

 Wonder if God ever feels that way about us?

“And the Lord said: ‘Because this people draw near to me with their mouth and honor me with their lips, while their hearts are far from me…”
Isaiah 29:13a

May I encourage you this week to so live your life in such a way that God has no doubts about your love for Him!

Be encouraged,

Pastor Rob
A Little Fellow’s Dad

I may never be as clever as my neighbor down the street,
I may never be as wealthy as some other men I meet;
I may never have the glory that some other men had,
But I’ve got to be successful as a little fellow’s dad.

There are certain dreams I cherish that I’d like to see come true,
There are things I would accomplish when my working time is through;
But the task my heart is set on is to guide this little lad,
And to make myself successful as the little fellow’s dad.

It is that one job I dream of, it’s the task I think of most,
If I’d fail that growing youngster I’d have nothing else to boast.
For though wealth and fame I’d gather, all my future would be sad,
If I failed to be successful as that little fellow’s dad.

I may never get earth’s glory; I may never gather gold,
Men may count me as a failure when my business life is told;
But if he who follows after is a Christian, I’ll be glad,
For I’ll know I’ve been successful as a little fellow’s dad.

I first saw this poem about 15 years ago after my second son was born.  It was then I got down on my knees and asked God to help me be a Godly example for my sons.  Fifteen years later, my oldest son is now graduating from High School and my younger son is entering the tenth grade.  My, how time flies.  Yet my prayer is still the same.  More important than anything I accomplish as a Pastor or a Community Leader, I want to be successful as a dad.  More than anything else in this world, I want to pass on my faith and values to my sons in such a way that I know they will walk with God long after I am gone.

As we celebrate Father’s Day at Green Valley Baptist Church, I want to pray today for dads.  I want to pray that we will do everything in our power to live a Godly example for our children to follow.  For when all is said and done, there is no worldly success that is greater than being a successful dad.  May I encourage all of you who are “Dads” today to renew your commitment to Christ and ask God to help you live your life in such a way that your children will walk with God long after you are gone.

Be encouraged,

Pastor Rob

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Power of Touch

One of my favorite memories of childhood was the family vacations we took each summer. Growing up in Mississippi, our family had a pop-up camper that we pulled behind our Chevrolet Impala and made trips each summer to the mountains, the beaches, and everywhere in between. My favorite vacation was a three week journey up the East Coast to Niagara Falls and then back through Ohio, Kentucky, and Tennessee back home. Five people in a Chevrolet Impala was enough to make a memory! Being the middle child with two sisters, the back seat was always crowded. My big sister LaNell had the right side. My little sister Barbara had the left side. That left “Poor Robby” to lie down on the “hump” in the floor board or under the back windshield on top of the speakers.

On the long trip lying in the back of my two sisters, I sometimes would get bored and let my feet dangle around their ears or shoulders just to show my love for them. Purely accidental, on one occasion I rubbed my feet down my big sisters neck while she was trying to sleep. She didn’t notice at first but when she opened her eyes and saw my feet she screamed “He touched me!”

I learned that day about the incredible power of touch. There is something about the human touch that has power. This power can be negative if someone is touched in the wrong way. Yet this power can be positive if touched in the right way. Can you remember the first time you touched the hand of your spouse? Can you recall when a Christian friend gently touched your shoulder in a time of crisis? This is the positive power of touch.

In Mark 5:21-34, the Bible describes a sick woman who touched the clothes or the outer garments of Jesus. When she did this, immediately she was healed. What I learn from this story in the Bible is the incredible power of touch. As you read this Scripture, I hope you will see the power of the touch of Jesus in our lives. Second, I hope you see the power of our touch in the lives of others. Once we have received the touch of Jesus, we have the ability to pass that “touch” or “power” on to others. I want to encourage you this week to look for people who could benefit from your “touch.” We come across people every day who are in desperate need of a “touch.” Most of them will never ask for it, but deep down you know they need it. As you go through your week, I want to encourage you to receive the touch of Jesus and even more, to let others receive your touch in such a way that they will see Jesus in you.

Be encouraged,

Pastor Rob

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

An Encouraging Word

            Many years ago a man was visiting Niagara Falls on vacation. While he was there, the great Charles Blondin was attempting to walk over the falls on a tightrope. A large crowd quickly gathered to watch him perform this dangerous feat. The crowd started cheering for Blondin and encouraged him to commence his walk across the falls. Before he began, Blondin turned to the crowd and shouted, “Do you believe I can do it?” The crowd responded, “Yes, we believe! Yes, we believe!” With the encouragement of the crowd, the great Blondin walked across the falls to the applause of the people.
            On his next attempt, Blondin planned to cross the falls while pushing a wheel barrel. He again asked the crowd, “Do you believe I can do it?” And the people cried out, “Yes, we believe! Yes, we believe!” Blondin skillfully maneuvered the wheel barrel across the tight rope to the other side of the falls. The crowd went wild.
            Blondin returned yet again to speak the crowd. This time he had a wheel barrel and a blindfold. He told the crowd he was going to push the wheel barrel across the falls on a tight rope while blindfolded. Blondin looked to the crowd and said, “Do you believe I can do it?”  The crowd responded, “Yes, we believe! Yes, we believe!”  The tourist was standing on the front row. Blondin looked him in the eyes and said, “Do you believe I can do it?”  The tourist replied, “Yes, I believe. I believe!”  Blondin said to him, “Well then, will you get in the wheel barrel as I push it across?” Suddenly, this man wasn’t sure if he really believed.
            Do you believe in Christ? I mean, do you really believe? Most people say they believe in Christ but like this tourist, their belief is superficial at best. Simply saying you believe means nothing. The Bible says that even the demons believe in God. So what does it mean to truly believe in Christ? It means to totally trust your life to Christ. It means to turn from your sin and your old way of life and place yourself completely under the control and power of Christ. Very simply, it means to crawl into the wheel barrel and trust completely that Christ will carry you to the other side. That’s what it means to believe.
            So let me ask you again, “Do you believe in Christ?” If you have never trusted your life to Jesus Christ, I want to encourage you to do that today. I am praying for you today that you will truly understand what it means to “believe” in Christ.

Be encouraged,

Pastor Rob